Resolutions cont…
How are your health-related resolutions coming along? Studies show that by this time of the year, more than 50% of us have dropped our New Year’s Resolutions. If you’ve been struggling with maintaining your resolutions, this means that you are not alone! Some of the main reasons for resolution failure include setting too many goals, creating resolutions that are too lofty to reach, or aiming for resolutions that are too broad. Don’t worry, though – you can still get back on the right path! Here are some ideas to help you reframe your New Year’s Resolutions into attainable goals that you can carry through the next 11 months. First, step back and choose one goal to focus on. It is easy to become overwhelmed when we set too many goals for ourselves – falling behind on one may cause us to lose motivation with all! Next, make sure that your goal is attainable and specific. For instance, if your overarching goal is to improve your physical fitness, this leaves a lot up to the imagination! Narrow this down – what will you do to make this happen, and when will you do it? An attainable goal might be that you will run a total of 5 miles a week. If you conquer this goal later this year, you can always change it to something that challenges you more, such as participating in a local 5k here in the Dallas area once a month. So sit back, think about your resolutions, and set yourself back on the path to health and success!