Pink Eye

Pink Eye, also known as conjunctivitis, is an inflammation of the outer lining of the white of the eye. It causes redness in the eyes, excessive secretion of the glands surrounding them, and dilation of the blood vessels on the conjunctiva. It is very contagious, so it is very important to know the proper steps in treating Pink Eye.

Conjunctivitis can be caused by a multitude of things. It can originate from a viral, bacterial or allergenic infection. Viral conjunctivitis can be very contagious, but takes only a few days to subside. It’s symptoms include waters, itchy eyes. Bacterial conjunctivitis can be very dangerous and has the potential to cause very serious harm to the eye. This version’s symptoms can cause a lot of yellowish discharge to come out of the glands surrounding the eye. Allergenic conjunctivitis can be caused by a number of allergens such as pollen and can be seasonal. Its symptoms can also cause watery eyes with a burning sensation. This can be accompanied with a runny or stuffy nose.

Treatment can differ for the three different types of Pink Eye. Since it is highly contagious, viral conjunctivitis should cause whoever is infected to stay home and press a warm washcloth to the affected area. The best option for this type of Pink Eye is to let it run its course for the few days it lasts and to avoid contact with others. With bacterial conjunctivitis, it is best to take whatever antibiotic our family doctors decide to prescribe to you. Any type of over-the-counter allergy medications can easily treat allergenic conjunctivitis.